Under 65 Insurance


Health Insurance

Health insurance is made affordable through the Federal Marketplace. What does that mean for you? I’m glad you asked, whether you’re self employed, waiting to enroll in Medicare, or newly retired, health insurance for a reasonable price is an option.

Getting insurance doesn’t have to be unaffordable. The marketplace is designed to help you have the coverage you need at a rate that’s reasonable for your income. The rate that’s offered to you by the marketplace is based upon your Household Adjusted Gross Income. Because premiums are so closely tied to your income, there are a few disclaimers you should be aware of:

If you overstate your income on your Marketplace application, you will receive a tax refund.

If you understate your income on your Marketplace application, you will receive a tax bill. The government will require that you pay back the premiums for the higher income.

Marketplace insurance is not just for anybody. If you are offered insurance that costs less than 8% of your income, you must accept the rate you are offered.

Underwriting is NOT required. The marketplace cannot deny you coverage based on your medical condition.

A few things to know about Marketplace coverage:

You can enroll in a marketplace plan from Nov 1 - Jan 15. Outside of this time frame, you can only enroll if you’ve experience a qualifying event (i.e. marriage, move, loss of coverage)

1. When to enroll

2. Wage earner

To be eligible for marketplace coverage, you will be expect to earn at least $15,000 in 2025.

3. Not offered other coverage

To be eligible for marketplace coverage, you will be expect to earn at least $15,000 in 2025.

  • Marketplace coverage begins on the first day of the month. You can apply for coverage between Nov 1 - Jan 15 of each year.

  • ID cards typically arrive 2-3 weeks after applying for coverage. However, you can access your online ID card almost immediately.

  • To be eligible for Marketplace coverage, you must not be offered other health insurance for a affordable price. If you’re spending 8% of your income on health insurance, the government considers this insurance unaffordable.